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2019/10/10 12:12:16发布120次查看
职位描述 工作职责:
  公司简介 罗牛山股份有限公司于1993年成立,1997年在深交所上市,是我国首家菜篮子股份制上市公司,国家农业产业化重点龙头企业,生产基地遍布海南岛、产业辐射全国。公司注册资本8.8亿元。established in 1993, the company was listed in the shenzhen stock exchange four years later. it is the first listed joint-stock company under the shopping basket program and a key enterprise of agricultural industrialization. the company has production bases spread across the hainan island and its products are widely distributed throughout china. it possesses a registered capital of rmb 880 million.公司充分利用海南无疫区得天独厚的自然条件和区位优势,始终致力海南菜篮子工程建设和热带现代农业发展,为海南改变畜禽产品依赖岛外供应的历史和平抑菜篮子物价做出了突出贡献。公司是海南省规模最大、配套产业体系最完备的畜牧业龙头企业,建立完善以畜牧产业为主的良种繁育、畜禽商品生产、饲料供应、畜禽防疫、屠宰加工、环保利用、科研推广等十大配套体系。年出栏优质种猪6万头、优质商品猪50万头。在全省17个市县建有40余个现代化畜牧养殖基地,是海南省最大的菜篮子工程基地、种苗生产基地和以畜牧业为主的农业科技示范基地。罗牛山畜牧系统在全国率先通过iso9001质量体系和iso140014环境体系认证,并先后通过无公害产品认证、国家级牲猪活体储备基地场评定、出境动物养殖企业注册和供港注册认证,haccp认证,在海南至全国畜牧行业起到了示范带动作用。the company utilizes the most of the natural resources and disease-free zone in hainan to fully commit itself to the development of the shopping basket program and modern tropical agriculture on the island. it has made significant contributions to altering the situation of hainan relying on off-island supplied animal products and controlling shopping basket prices. as the leading enterprise of the livestock industry with the largest scale and most complete supporting industrial system in hainan, the company have developed and improved ten such supporting industrial systems with focus on livestock products in terms of stock breeding, livestock and poultry production, forage supply, livestock and poultry epidemic prevention, slaughter processing, environmental protection and utilization, and the promotion of scientific research. every year over 60,000 quality breeding pigs and 500,000 quality commercial pigs are fattened. there are over 40 modern livestock breeding bases established across 17 cities and counties within the province to form the largest shopping basket program base, seedling production base and livestock centric agricultural technical demonstration base in hainan. the luoniushan livestock system was the first of its kind in china to achieve the iso9001 quality system certification and iso140014 environmental management system certification. the company has also successively acquired and become recognized for the pollution-free product certification, national live pig reserve base assessment, export breeding enterprise enrollment and hong kong supply certification, and haccp certification. the luoniushan livestock system has played an exemplary role in the hainan livestock industry as well as the whole of china.2006年以来,公司大力实施生态农业、循环农业、农产品加工与物流配送等农业高级业态发展,促进产业转型升级,示范引领海南热带现代农业发展。海口罗牛山农产品加工产业园项目于2012年1月15日式奠基动工。整个园区用地规模约700多亩,总建设面积约50万平方米,集农产品精深加工、高低温冷链存储、展示交易、物流配送和综合行政后勤配套功能于一体。建成后将成为国内一流的食品产业及冷链物流园区。未来5年,公司将进一步完善现代化生态化种养殖、农产品精深加工、电子商务交易和冷链物流配送等产业链经营,业务覆盖全岛、辐射华南并逐步开拓国际市场,实现从菜篮子细分产品供应商向全类菜篮子产品供应商的转型,引领海南菜篮子迈向从有到好的新阶段。since 2006, the company has vigorously developed ecological agriculture, recycling agriculture, agricultural product processing, and logistics distribution to promote industrial transformation and provide a guide for the development of modern tropical agriculture in hainan. the program of haikou luoniushan agricultural product processing industry park was officially established on jan. 15, 2012. the industry park covers an area of over 700 mu with a total construction area of 500,000 square meters. it integrates the separate aspects of agricultural products deep-processing, high/low temperature cold chain storage, display and trading, logistics distribution and comprehensive administrative service into one. upon completion, it will be the first-class food industry and cold-chain logistics industry park in china. in the upcoming 5 years, the company will continue to improve the entirety of its industrial chain management, including modern ecological product cultivation, agricultural product deep-processing, electronic commerce, cold-chain logistics, etc. the business operations are expected to cover the whole of hainan island and extending to southern china and eventually across the world. it shall complete the transformation from shopping basket subdivided product supplier to shopping basket whole line product supplier and to enable the hainan shopping basket program to advance into the next stage.公司还积极投身教育、房地产、金融等行业,形成了一业为主,多业并举的相关多元化、集团化发展格局。建成了国家示范性高职建设院校--海南职业技术学院,海南民办基础教育的代表--海口景山学校,以及海南最大汽车销售广场、海南首个大型教育复合地产项目锦地翰城和海南省首家小额贷款公司等,这些项目或经营实体均成为所在行业的龙头代表或亮点,在增加就业、促进地方经济社会发展等方面发挥着重要作用。在加快企业自身发展的同时,公司积极参与新农村建设、与贫困地区结成帮扶对子、资助贫困学生、捐助灾区等公益活动,尽力回馈社会,充分体现了罗牛山企业高度的社会责任感和使命感。公司先后荣获国家产业化龙头企业、全国养猪行业百强优秀企业、全国畜牧行业优秀企业、全国最佳信用环境创建企业、海南最具社会责任感企业、海南省文明诚信企业、海口市大农业龙头企业、海南省优质服务十佳模范单位、海南省服务业最受消费者信赖的知名品牌等荣誉称号。the company has also actively engaged in the fields of education, real estate, financing, etc. this process is completed under the concept of emphasizing focus primarily on one industry, while at the same time branching into others. this is done so to produce a diversified and group-oriented development pattern. it has led to the establishment of the national demonstration higher vocational college - the hainan vocational and technical college, the model of private elementary education - the haikou jingshan school, the largest automobile sales square, the first large-scale educational composite real estate program - jin di han cheng, the first small loan company, etc. these programs or operational entities have all grown to become industry leaders, and plays a significant role in the promotion of employment and local economic and social development. while accelerating self-expansion, the company also actively participates in socially beneficial activities such as joining the new rural construction, providing aid for the poor in poverty-stricken areas, funding under-privileged students, and making donations to disaster relief zones. these efforts fully represent the sense of responsibility luoniushan enterprise has for the public and the company’s mission in achieving a harmonious community. the company has gained achievements and recognitions for the key leading enterprise of national industrialization, top one hundred excellent chinese enterprises of the pig-raising industry , excellent chinese enterprise of the livestock industry, environmental creation enterprise of china with best credit, top socially responsible enterprise of hainan, hainan enterprise of civility and integrity, top ten agricultural enterprises of haikou, top ten service model units of hainan, most recognized consumer-trusted brand of the service industry in hainan, and many more.二十年矢志农业的坚守和对社会民生事业的卓著贡献,奠定了罗牛山农业龙头企业的品牌与声誉。随着新五年战略规划的推进落实和海口产业园等重大项目的实施,公司未来将赢得更多的发展机遇,开辟更加广阔的发展空间。20 years of engagement in agriculture and contribution to the development of social livelihood laid the foundation for the brand and reputation of luoniushan as a leading agricultural enterprise. the company’s implementation of the 5-year strategic plan and the commencement of major projects like the haikou industrial park have provided the company with numerous development opportunities in the future. this is expected to usher in a wider scope for future expansions.  



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